Wednesday, June 23, 2010

6-22-10 **VIDEO INCLUDED**



  1. Hi Jen & Aaron,
    So, you have me convinced me to start buying only organic and I am now researching what Park Slope has to offer. There is an active CSA with 270 members, and you can pick up your food at all different designated hours in Prospect Park. There is the Park Slope Coop on Union Street/off 7th Avenue with 14,000 members but to shop there you have to work 4 hours/month per family member. I found out through an organic blog that the Coop buys some of their food from the same distributors as the CSA, and it is cheaper at Coop because they buy more. Obviously at the Coop you can choose whatever you want oppose to CSA which decides for you. I have 4 more days as a school nurse and then will go down to Coop and check it out.
    AND can you do me one big favor, try not to look so happy in all of your pictures. Get stung by a bee or get your foot caught in a bear trap!
    Love you both loads,

  2. I love the concept of "social capital". Jeri

  3. what a rad/ most excellent video! you guys rule! I know most those farmers but watching your video was the first time I ever went to pack out. what a treat! thanks so much. and it was so great to have spent time with you both. thanks for having so much fun with your great work! love, jo ferneau
