Thursday, July 1, 2010


Our visit at Green Angel Gardens has been short but sweet and we will depart tomorrow morning. For our last day of work here, we harvested three types of kale for the CSA boxes that will be delivered tomorrow. Also going in the boxes are: strawberries, zucchini, summer squash, baby bunched carrots, bunched onions, salad greens, a dozen eggs, basil, spearmint, and spinach. Larkin works in conjunction with other local farmers to fill his boxes in order to give his customers a wider array of goodies each week.

After packing CSA boxes, we built a second compost pile next to the one we made the other day. We used the remainder of the Alpaca manure that was donated to Green Angel, combined and layered with hay, bits of plant debris, and a little bit of compost that is ready for the fields. After a few months, it too will be ready. On the topic of decomposition, we worked with the worm castings this morning as well. There is a worm bin outside that kitchen scraps go into. We ripped up and added a bunch of cardboard and newspaper in order to balance the levels of nitrogen and carbon inside. Happy, happy worms in there! And happy, happy plants will soon get their castings. Yum. It seems like having a mixture of amendments and different types of compost improves your soil in ways that one treatment cannot do alone.

Below is a video from the organic beer festival we attended this past weekend. Enjoy.


To learn more about Coconut Bliss (which you should, because it is DELICIOUS), check out their blog:

To learn more about Fish Tale Beers, check out their website:

1 comment:

  1. Continue to read the on-going saga of the migrant workers from BK to Portland.

    Nancy loved the postcard. Hope to see you at the Spa. Jim
